#96  Because He Loves

In my darkest hours, God has made Himself known to me, and His undying love for me as His child. Who am I to deserve such a blessing? For I am no one special. I knew I didn’t deserve His bountiful unconditional love for me, yet He found me worthy, as we are all His children. This may be hard for many folks to understand, but each one of us can communicate with God and receive feedback by sixth-sense experiences of our own.

Through His constant love and guidance, I went from being a single parent on welfare living in a shelter fleeing a lifetime of sorrow, to earning a Ph.D. in clinical psychology (specializing in children) and fulfilling my dream of becoming an American. Against what seemed like impossible odds, I overcame abuse, isolation, injury, sorrow, and hurt, because of His constant reminders to me of why I am here, and that He is with me every step of the way.

I had always planned to be a wife and mother of about 7 or 8 children. However, my plans were just that – human plans. There was something far more profound at work in my life once I accepted Him– the Lord’s plans.

“In his heart a man plans his course but the Lord determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9.

Many times through the years, when even my basic needs for food, shelter, safety, and a steady job were not met and I faced obstacles to completing my education, miracles never ceased to get me through to the next day. Many times I had barely enough money to purchase one of several books needed for a course. I prayed and lifted my arms up to God, saying, “Well, You are fully aware of my situation. If You want me to become a doctor, please let me know which book to purchase.” God would always tell me; I could often visually see which book to purchase. Sure enough, I’d buy the one I needed most, and someone from the course would lend me the others, or the professor would email me the needed sections from additional readings.

“...with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26.

I have always treasured having seen, felt, and heard words from God and my Heavenly family, and other spirits throughout my life. It was by their support and constant reminders that I am a child of God that I was able to make it through the circumstances in which my child and I found ourselves.

Until my late 20s, I naïvely believed that the whole world also communicated with our Heavenly Family. When I learned that many did not, I felt a deeper empathy for those who are suicidal or in deep depression or unable to recover from traumatic life events, for to not know Him and communicate with Him would be tragic; and I could not imagine living in this world so completely alone. The good news is He’s waiting to embrace each one of us!

Through Christ anything really is possible. This is my own personal testimony: none of us ever have to feel or be alone when we choose Him. We have an eternity of unconditional love and peace. What we choose to do “down here” is important. Communicating with Him daily, we become filled with the spirit and pain and suffering will cease within us.

I have written a book that began as a personal journal for my own self-healing and introspections. As my journal grew in scope, I began to realize how wonderful it might be for my descendants to hear my story when I’m no longer on this Earth. And with the story, I hope they hear the message that whatever they go through, they are not alone. I believe without a doubt that God wants His children to communicate with Him on a regular basis, and this will bring profound change within an individual and the society in which we live.

When I refer to “communicate” I’m not merely referring to a simple prayer where often one is left wondering “Did He hear me?” (incidentally, I believe He always does); what I’m trying to convey is an actual relationship, where we get feedback. I believe He chooses different ways to communicate with each one of us as we create a new, or deeper, more conscious relationship with Him.

“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13.

Once we earnestly seek Him and begin to have our own relationship on this level with Him, I have no doubt He will communicate to each individual through the sixth-sense experience which is understood between the person and Him. It is not important “how” so try not to be concerned about the details, as often this only attracts negative energy, anxiety, and doubt. He is the Alpha and the Omega, He will choose a way to communicate with each of us that is best for us.

I believe that every person is capable of communication with God, here on this earthly plane. Whether we choose to or not is up to our own free will. I feel compelled to share this message, in the hope that many others will choose to.

this Month's New Thought Essay, Poetry, and Blog.
this Month's New Thought Essay, Poetry, and Blog. Darkhorse Press New Poets